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Memory Exercise Level
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walaqad arsalna noohan ila qawmihi falabitha feehim alfa sanatin illa khamseena aaman faakhathahumu attoofanu wahum thalimoon 14 faanjaynahu waashaba assafeenati wajaalnaha ayatan lilaalameen 15 waibraheema ith qala liqawmihi oaabudoo allaha wattaqoohu, thalikum khayrun lakum in kuntum taalamoon 16 innama taabudoona min dooni allahi awthanan watakhluqoona ifkan inna allatheena taabudoona min dooni allahi la yamlikoona lakum rizqan fabtaghoo aainda allahi arrizqa waabudoohu washkuroo lahu ilayhi turjaaoon 17 wain tukaththiboo faqad kaththaba omamun min qablikum wama aala arrasooli illa albalaghu almubeen 18 awalam yaraw kayfa yubdio allahu alkhalqa thumma yuaaeeduhu inna thalika aala allahi yaseer 19 qul seeroo fee alardi fanthuroo kayfa badaa alkhalqa thumma allahu yunshio annashata alakhirata, inna allaha aala kulli shayin qadeer 20 yuaaththibu man yashao wayarhamu man yashao wailayhi tuqlaboon 21 wama antum bimuaajizeena fee alardi wala fee assamai wama lakum min dooni allahi min waliyyin wala naseer 22
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Memory Exercise Level
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
تدرب على حفظ القرآن بمستويات مختلفة للمبتدئين والمحترفين. تخفي صفحات التمارين بعض الكلمات بحسب المستوى، ويتم ذلك بألوان جميلة أيضًا.
Practice memorizing the Quran (Hifz) with different levels from beginner to expert. Exercise pages hide some words depending on the level, also done in beautiful colors.
اقرأ القرآن الكريم كله ملونا بالكامل، حيث تولد ألوان وأشكال الصفحات بشكل عشوائي تماما بحيث لا يتكرر التركيب نفسه مرتين.
Read the entire Holy Quran in full color, where pages randomly generate their colors and shapes so that the same scheme never repeats twice.
تشير بداية ونهاية كل سورة الى السور المنزلة قبلها و بعدها. يمكنك الضغط على أي منها للذهاب إليها.
The beginning and end of every Surah mention the Surahs sent down before and after. You can click or tap on either one to go there.