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wayawma nahshuru min kulli ommatin fawjan mimman yukaththibu biayatina fahum yoozaaoon 83 hatta itha jaoo qala akaththabtum biayatee walam tuheetoo biha aailman ammatha kuntum taamaloon 84 wawaqaa alqawlu aalayhim bima thalamoo fahum la yantiqoon 85 alam yaraw anna jaalna allayla liyaskunoo feehi wannahara mubsiran inna fee thalika laayatin liqawmin yuminoon 86 wayawma yunfakhu fee assoori fafaziaa man fee assamawati waman fee alardi illa man shaa allahu, wakullun atawhu dakhireen 87 watara aljibala tahsabuha jamidatan wahiya tamurru marra assahabi sunaa allahi allathee atqana kulla shayin innahu khabeerun bima tafaaloon 88 man jaa bilhasanati falahu khayrun minha wahum min fazaain yawmaithin aminoon 89 waman jaa bissayyiati fakubbat wujoohuhum fee annari hal tujzawna illa ma kuntum taamaloon 90 innama omirtu an aabuda rabba hathihi albaldati allathee harramaha walahu kullu shayin waomirtu an akoona mina almuslimeen 91 waan atluwa alqurana, famani ihtada fainnama yahtadee linafsihi waman dalla faqul innama ana mina almunthireen 92 waquli alhamdu lillahi sayureekum ayatihi fataarifoonaha wama rabbuka bighafilin aamma taamaloon 93
sadaqa allah ul adheem
End of Surah: The Ant (Al-Naml). Sent down in Mecca after The Poets (Alshu'araa') before Stories (Al-Qasas)
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Memory Exercise Level
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
تشير بداية ونهاية كل سورة الى السور المنزلة قبلها و بعدها. يمكنك الضغط على أي منها للذهاب إليها.
The beginning and end of every Surah mention the Surahs sent down before and after. You can click or tap on either one to go there.
اقرأ القرآن الكريم كله ملونا بالكامل، حيث تولد ألوان وأشكال الصفحات بشكل متنوع حيث لا يتكرر التركيب نفسه مرتين أبدا. القرآن هو العهد الخاتم والفاصل من الله الواحد الأحد لكافة الناس من جميع الألوان والأشكال.
Read the entire Holy Quran in full color. Pages diversely generate their colors and shapes so that the same scheme never repeats twice. The Quran is the conclusive Final Testament of the One and Only God for all people of all colors and shapes.