3/4 Hizb 5
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O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it down. And let a scribe write [it] between you in justice. Let no scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught him. So let him write and let the one who has the obligation dictate. And let him fear Allah, his Lord, and not leave anything out of it. But if the one who has the obligation is of limited understanding or weak or unable to dictate himself, then let his guardian dictate in justice. And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon. And do not be [too] weary to write it, whether it is small or large, for its [specified] term. That is more just in the sight of Allah and stronger as evidence and more likely to prevent doubt between you, except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves. For [then] there is no blame upon you if you do not write it. And take witnesses when you conclude a contract. Let no scribe be harmed or any witness. For if you do so, indeed, it is [grave] disobedience in you. And fear Allah. And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knowing of all things. 282 ۞ And if ye be on a journey and ye find not a scribe, then let there be a pledge taken; then, if one of you entrusteth the other, let the one entrusted discharge his trust, and let him fear Allah his Lord. And hide not testimony, and whosoever hideth it, his heart verily is sinful. And Allah is of that which ye work Knower. 283
3/4 Hizb 5
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
كيف تعمل منظومة تمارين الحفظ؟ عند أدنى مستوى 0، تكون كل الكلمات ظاهرة. بينما يُخفي أعلى مستوى 9 كل الكلمات. فكيف تعمل المستويات المتوسطة، مثل 3، على سبيل المثال؟ قد تعتقد بأن المنظومة تخفي 3 من كل تسع كلمات بدقة. ليس تماما! في المستوى 3، لكل كلمة فرصة اختفاء بنسبة 3 من 9، و6 من 9 لتكون ظاهرة. بمعنى آخر، من الممكن، ولكن باحتمال شبة معدوم، أن تكون جميع كلمات المستوى 3 مخفية، أو أن تكون جميعها ظاهرة! وكذلك أيضًا، ففي المستويات المتوسطة، وبما يتناسب مع مستوى الصعوبة، يمكن أن تكون المخابئ غير كاملة أو شفافة جزئيًا بحيث تظهر الكلمات جزئيًا تحتها.
How does the memorization exercise algorithm work? At the lowest level 0, all words are visible. While the highest level 9 hides all words. What about at mid-level, like 3, for example? You might think that the algorithm hides precisely 3 out of every nine words. Not quite! At level 3, each word has a 3 out of 9 chance to hide, and 6 out of 9 to be visible. In other words, it is possible, but highly unlikely, for all words at level 3 to be hidden, or, that all of them to be visible! Also, at mid-levels, and in proportion to the difficulty level, hideouts can be partially incomplete or transparent so that words may be partially visible underneath.
عند قراءتك القرآن الملون باللغة العربية، هناك احتمال 1 من 6 أن يظهر النص بدون تشكيل. فإذا أردته مشكلاً، اضغط على رقم الصفحة لإعادة تحميلها، فهناك احتمال 5 من 6 أن يظهر التشكيل.
When reading ColorfulQuran.com in Arabic, there is a 1/6 possibility for the Arabic scripture to appear without diacritics. If you want diacritics to appear, just press the page number to reload it, then there is a 5/6 possibility that they will.
قراءة القرآن مترجماً إلى الإنجليزية أو أية لغة أخرى أشبه بقراءة كتب التفسير من قراءة ترجمات حرفية.
Reading the Quran translated into English, or any other language, is more like reading books of interpretation than reading literal translations.