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And assuredly We vouchsafed unto Musa nine manifest signs - ask thou the Children of Israel - so when he came unto them, Fir'awn said unto him, verily I imagine thee, O Musa! enchanted. 101 'You know' he replied, 'that none except the Lord of the heavens and the earth has sent down these as clear proofs. Pharaoh, I believe you are destroyed.' 102 Then he sought to turn them out of the land, but We drowned him and all his followers. 103 Thereafter, We said to the Israelites, "Dwell in the land. When the promise of the Hereafter comes to be fulfilled, We shall assemble you all together." 104 With truth have We sent it down, and with truth hath it descended. And We have sent thee as naught else save a bearer of good tidings and a warner. 105 And it is a Quran which We have revealed in portions so that you may read it to the people by slow degrees, and We have revealed it, revealing in portions. 106 Say, "It does not matter whether you believe in it or not, for when it is read to those who had received the knowledge (heavenly Books) that were sent before, they bow down and prostrate themselves before the Lord. 107 And they say: hallowed be our Lord! the promise of our Lord was ever to have been fulfilled. 108 They fall down on their faces, weeping, and it increaseth humility in them. ۩ 109 (Muhammad), tell them, "It is all the same whether you call Him God or the Beneficent. All the good names belong to Him." (Muhammad), do not be too loud or slow in your prayer. Choose a moderate way of praying. 110 And say: "All praise be to Allah Who has neither taken to Himself a son, nor has He any partner in His kingdom, nor does He need anyone, out of weakness, to protect Him." So glorify Him in a manner worthy of His glory. 111
Almighty God's Truth.
End of Surah: The Night Journey (Al-Isra). Sent down in Mecca after Stories (Al-Qasas) before Jonah (Younus)
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
كيف تعمل منظومة تمارين الحفظ؟ عند أدنى مستوى 0، تكون كل الكلمات ظاهرة. بينما يُخفي أعلى مستوى 9 كل الكلمات. فكيف تعمل المستويات المتوسطة، مثل 3، على سبيل المثال؟ قد تعتقد بأن المنظومة تخفي 3 من كل تسع كلمات بدقة. ليس تماما! في المستوى 3، لكل كلمة فرصة اختفاء بنسبة 3 من 9، و6 من 9 لتكون ظاهرة. بمعنى آخر، من الممكن، ولكن باحتمال شبة معدوم، أن تكون جميع كلمات المستوى 3 مخفية، أو أن تكون جميعها ظاهرة! وكذلك أيضًا، ففي المستويات المتوسطة، وبما يتناسب مع مستوى الصعوبة، يمكن أن تكون المخابئ غير كاملة أو شفافة جزئيًا بحيث تظهر الكلمات جزئيًا تحتها.
How does the memorization exercise algorithm work? At the lowest level 0, all words are visible. While the highest level 9 hides all words. What about at mid-level, like 3, for example? You might think that the algorithm hides precisely 3 out of every nine words. Not quite! At level 3, each word has a 3 out of 9 chance to hide, and 6 out of 9 to be visible. In other words, it is possible, but highly unlikely, for all words at level 3 to be hidden, or, that all of them to be visible! Also, at mid-levels, and in proportion to the difficulty level, hideouts can be partially incomplete or transparent so that words may be partially visible underneath.
اقرأ القرآن الكريم كله ملونا بالكامل، حيث تولد ألوان وأشكال الصفحات بشكل متنوع حيث لا يتكرر التركيب نفسه مرتين أبدا. القرآن هو العهد الخاتم والفاصل من الله الواحد الأحد لكافة الناس من جميع الألوان والأشكال.
Read the entire Holy Quran in full color. Pages diversely generate their colors and shapes so that the same scheme never repeats twice. The Quran is the conclusive Final Testament of the One and Only God for all people of all colors and shapes.
عند قراءة القرآن الملون على الأجهزة المحمولة أو الأجهزة اللوحية، يمكنك تدوير الشاشة لتكبير النص أو تصغيره.
When reading ColorfulQuran.com on mobile or tablet devices, you may rotate the screen to enlarge or reduce the script.