1/2 Hizb 45
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۞ Gather together the evildoers, their wives, and that they were worshipping, 22 Beside Allah, and lead them on to the path of the Flaming Fire. 23 "But stop them, verily they are to be questioned. 24 [They will be asked], "What is [wrong] with you? Why do you not help each other?" 25 Nay, but that Day they shall surrender, 26 And they will approach one another blaming each other. 27 "It was you who tried to mislead us from righteousness". 28 They shall say: Nay, you (yourselves) were not believers; 29 "Nor had we any authority over you. Nay, it was ye who were a people in obstinate rebellion! 30 “So the Word of our Lord has proved true upon us; we will surely have to taste (the punishment).” 31 Therefore we perverted you, and we ourselves were perverts.' 32 So all of them on that day are sharers in the chastisement. 33 Verily that is how We shall deal with Sinners. 34 for, behold, whenever they were told, "There is no deity save God," they would glory in their arrogance 35 and said, "Should we give up our idols for the sake of an insane poet". 36 'No indeed; but he brought the truth, and confirmed the Envoys. 37 You will indeed taste a painful punishment, 38 And be rewarded but only for what you had done, 39 Except the chosen creatures of God, 40 For them there will be a known provision (in Paradise). 41 fruits -- and they high-honoured 42 In gardens of pleasure, 43 On couches, facing one another. 44 A drink will be passed round among them from a flowing spring: 45 White, delicious to those who drink. 46 There shall be no trouble in it, nor shall they be exhausted therewith. 47 And with them will be mates of modest gaze, most beautiful of eye, 48 As though they were eggs hidden. 49 So one among them turns to the other, questioning. 50 One of them says, 'I had a comrade 51 who used to say: -- Are you also one of those who confirm the Truth (of life after death)? 52 What! when we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then be certainly brought to judgment? 53 And he will reply: 'Are you looking down (into Hell)' 54 He will look down and see him in hell. 55 'By Allah' he will say, 'you almost destroyed me! 56 Had it not been for the grace of my Lord I too would have been there (in Hell). 57 He will ask his companion, "Did you not say that there would only be one death 58 "Except our first death, and that we shall not be punished?" 59 Verily, this - this indeed - is the triumph supreme!" 60 For the like of this let the workers [on earth] work. 61 Is this better as a welcome, or the tree of Zaqqum? 62 Verily, We have caused it to be a trial for evildoers: 63 Surely it is a tree that-grows in the bottom of the hell; 64 The shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of devils: 65 Then most surely they shall eat of it and fill (their) bellies with it. 66 And thereafter verily they shall have thereon a draught of boiling water. 67 Then indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire. 68 Verily, they found their fathers on the wrong path; 69 So they in their footsteps are rushing. 70 Before them erred most of the ancients, 71 though We had sent warners among them. 72 So behold what wise hath been the end of those who were warned. 73 EXCEPT for God's true servants, [most people are apt to go astray.] 74
1/2 Hizb 45
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يعرض القرآن الملون الصفحات بواحد من ثلاثة خطوط عربية. قد يظهر أي منهم بإحتمال الثلث، مما يزيد على التنوع الموجود أصلا في الألوان. وتبقى الكلمات خالدة الى الابد. وقريبا، سيكون للقرآن الملون خطوطا أُخرى جميلة إن شاء الله.
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