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Dispatched (Al-Mursalaat)
50 verses, revealed in Mecca after The Backbiter (Al-Hummazah) before Q (Qaaf)
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful
CONSIDER these [messages,] sent forth in waves 1 And those that strike violently, 2 And those that revive by quickening, 3 separating one from another, 4 and then cast (Allah's) remembrance (in people's hearts), 5 As justification or warning, 6 that whatever with which you have been warned will inevitably come to pass. 7 Then when the stars become dim; 8 The heavens split asunder, 9 and the mountains scattered, 10 And when the apostles are collected at the appointed time, 11 to what day shall they be deferred? 12 For the Day of Sorting out. 13 And what shall teach thee what is the Day of Decision? 14 Woe, that Day, to the deniers. 15 Have We not destroyed the earlier generations? 16 We shall then send the latter after them. 17 That is what We shall do to those who are guilty of crime. 18 Ruin is for the deniers on that day! 19 Did We not create you from a base fluid 20 that We laid within a sure lodging 21 For a known period (determined by gestation)? 22 See that We had the power to do so. Great indeed is Our power to do what We will. 23 Woe, on that Day unto those who give the lie to the truth! 24 Have We not made the earth a container 25 For the living and the dead, 26 And placed therein high mountains and given you to drink sweet water therein? 27 On that Day (of Judgment) woe would be upon those who have rejected God's revelations! 28 (It will be said:) "Depart ye to that which ye used to reject as false! 29 "Depart ye to a Shadow (of smoke ascending) in three columns, 30 [But having] no cool shade and availing not against the flame." 31 It will throw out sparks as logs of wood 32 (Or) as it might be camels of bright yellow hue. 33 On that day, woe would be upon those who have rejected God's revelations! 34 This is the day on which they shall not speak, 35 nor will they be allowed to proffer excuses. 36 Woe on that Day to those who belied it! 37 'This is the Day of Decision; We have joined you with the ancients; 38 If now you have any strategy, use it against Me. 39 Woe on that Day to those who belied it! 40
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
اضغط "عشوائي" للذهاب إلى أي صفحة عشوائية. اضغط المثلث إلى يمين "عشوائي" للانتقال إلى صفحة عشوائية قبل الصفحة الحالية، أو المثلث إلى اليسار للانتقال إلى صفحة عشوائية بعد الصفحة الحالية.
Click or tap on "random" to go to any random page. Click or tap the triangle to the left of "random" to go to a random page before the current page, or the triangle to the right to go to a random page after the current page.
تشير بداية ونهاية كل سورة الى السور المنزلة قبلها و بعدها. يمكنك الضغط على أي منها للذهاب إليها.
The beginning and end of every Surah mention the Surahs sent down before and after. You can click or tap on either one to go there.