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We settled the Children of Israel in a blessed land, and We provided them with good things. And it was not until knowledge [of God's revelation] was granted to them that they began to hold divergent views. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that in which they differed. 93 And if thou be in doubt concerning that which We have sent down unto thee, then ask those who have read the Books before thee. Assuredly hath the truth come unto thee from thy Lord, so be not then of the doubters. 94 And be not one of those who belie the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, for then you shall be one of the losers. 95 Indeed, those upon whom the word of your Lord has come into effect will not believe, 96 even though every sign [of the truth] should come within their ken - until they behold the grievous suffering [that awaits them in the life to come]. 97 Why has there been no habitation that believed and profited by their faith, except the people of Jonah? When they came to believe, We removed from them the affliction of shame in the world, and made them prosperous for a time. 98 Had your Lord so willed, all those who are on the earth would have believed. Will you, then, force people into believing? 99 No soul can believe except by the permission of Allah. Upon those who do not understand lays His punishment. 100 Say: "Consider whatever there is in the heavens and on earth!" But of what avail could all the messages and all the warnings be to people who will not believe? 101 Do they watch and wait for anything except for days similar to those who passed away before them? Say: 'Wait; I shall be with you among those who are waiting' 102 Then We shall save Our messengers and those who believe. Thus We have made it incumbent upon Ourself to save the believers. 103
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
اضغط المثلثات الصغيرة أعلى الإطار وأسفله إلى اليمين لعرض فهرس الأجزاء حيث يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي جزء أو حزب أو ثلاثة أرباع أو نصف أو ربع أو أية صفحة بداخله.
Click or tap the small triangles above and below the frame on the left to display the Juz Table of Contents where you can go to any Juz, Hizb, ¾, ½, ¼, or any page within.
تدرب على حفظ القرآن بمستويات مختلفة للمبتدئين والمحترفين. تخفي صفحات التمارين بعض الكلمات بحسب المستوى، ويتم ذلك بألوان جميلة أيضًا.
Practice memorizing the Quran (Hifz) with different levels from beginner to expert. Exercise pages hide some words depending on the level, also done in beautiful colors.